Supporting Diverse Families Project
Maddie Gorman
Cumming, GA
The Supporting Diverse Families Project will align the hopes of parents and pastoral leaders in the spiritual formation of children and youth, developing new methods and practices for sharing the Christian faith with the next generation. Orange develops weekly discipleship resources that are used by nearly 10,000 churches annually, reaching more than 842,000 children and youth in 80 Christian denominations. Orange will develop digital resources for enhancing in-home discipleship practices that will be distributed through its Parent Cue network, which comprises 500,000 parents and caregivers from diverse communities. Through interviews and surveys conducted during the planning period, Orange discovered that parents expressed two significant needs regarding their parenting: 1) a desire to better understand the developmental changes of their child at every phase of childhood; and 2) resources and training to have better conversations with their child at home. Additionally, Orange supports the needs of a diverse landscape of family structures by developing resources that increase the awareness, education, and empathy of ministry leaders.